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Topograghic Map of China

Topographic Map

Topographic map of China with place names in Chinese. Scale of 1:3,300,000 which translates to 33 kilometers per centimeter or about 50 miles per inch. Measures 2.00 x 1.50 meters (6.6 x 4.9 feet) or about the size of a double bed.


Topographic Map of China Detail

Sample map of Chengdu area Sichuan Province (enlarged to show detail). The map shows major roads, railways, cities, towns and topograghic features (of course) with some spot elevation (in meters). Use in tandem with a bilingual map if you cannot read Chinese.

US$22.00 Surface
US$28.00 Airmail

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You can use the English-Chinese Map together with other Chinese maps to read the English names of larger towns and cities. See comparison below.

Click on the yellow box for a detailed description.


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