
Bike China Adventures

Lanzhou to Chengdu Bike Tour


Lanzhou to Chengdu - From the Yellow River across the Tibetan Plateau to the Sichuan Basin

Dates: Contact us with the dates that work for you.

Click here for the Map

This ride begins in Lanzhou, the capital of Gansu Province with a population of 1.5 million, located in north central China on the upper reaches of the Yellow River. The route follows the Yellow River upstream to Yongjing where there are the Binglingsi Buddhist Grottoes. A short ferry across Yellow River Reservoir leads through a quiet Muslim minority area. The route then heads to the town of the Labrang Tibetan Yellow Sect Monastery, which at one time housed more than 5,000 monks. Heading higher in altitude, climbing gradually out of the Yellow River Basin and onto the Tibetan Plateau to an elevation of 10,000 feet (3,000 meters). We will pass Tibetan nomads camped out on the treeless plateau herding their Yaks. The route then leads us to Zolge, where there is a smaller Tibetan Temple. The route then drops down into the lush Yangzi River Basin and the home to the Giant Panda. We will visit Jiuzhaigou Natural Reserve for a look at the unique lakes, streams and waterfalls. The tour continues down into the Sichuan basin leading along the Minjiang River and including a visit to Dujiang Weir Irrigation System constructed over 2,000 years ago and still in operation. The route ends in Chengdu, the capital of Sichuan, home of famous silk fabulous food, and great teahouses.

Dates: Contact us with the dates that work for you.

Start location: Lanzhou, Gansu

Finish location: Chengdu, Sichuan

Geographical location: Central China/Eastern Tibet

Elevation range: 2,300 feet (700 meters) to 12,000 feet (3,700 meters)

Terrain: The entire spectrum; flat plains, rolling hills and mountains

Click for Lanzhou Forecast

Click for Chengdu, Sichuan China Forecast

Climate: The best weather for touring is in the spring and fall.

Cycling tour level: strenuous: high altitude, and some 60+mile

(100 km) days.

Total distance: 660 miles (1,082 km): average distance per day: 55 miles (88 km)

Days: 19

Group size: 1 - 8

Land cost: US$1,900 and up depending on the number of participants

Single room supplement: $150

Optional tour luggage transport, US$150

Optional bike case or after-tour luggage transport to Chengdu, US$30

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